Every time, love, don’t you people like food?
Honest question: doesn’t the concept of relationship and marriage scare you?
Special greetings to all the focused, non-conformist, and hardworking young people who didn’t participate in the frivolity and gallivanting they called Valentine’s Day. The rest of you can foking get yours from Tinubu.
I mean, you needed to see how they wanted to drown us in that rubbish ritual they’re doing. Not like I’m hating, but have you seen the price of spaghetti and noodles? Even meat pie is now empty pie. Do these people know about the policies their government has been enacting? I doubt. But Valentine is what they’re after. Rubbish. Now that MTN has increased their tariff, I hope these shenanigans will reduce, even though it will touch innocent people like us. Anyway, there’s no valentine in Heaven. And that’s all that matters. BUT any day they are hating on relationship people, please call me.
I digress—sorry, guys.
But hey, doesn’t it bother you that someday you’d have to live with someone for life and even live for them and the little offspring that comes out of them? For a long time, I’ve always held a belief(and still hold on to it) that having kids shortly after marrying, like the following year, doesn’t make sense. While I understand that people have different reasons, it was something that didn’t just resonate with me. Because I believe parenthood is another commitment that needs not to be rushed and requires preparedness. Recently, I watched an American action movie, Back In Action, where parenthood was something that turned out to be a series of sacrifices. And for a moment, I contemplated having kids at all. But I realised that maybe one of the reasons why I’m not invested in the notion of marriage and raising kids shortly after being newly wedded is because perhaps I’m scared.
Scared if I’d be the best model, scared if I could compromise some of my desires for their happiness, knowing that they might not even understand the sacrifices made for them. Or scared that I could properly give them the desired life in this motherspooning country. Or if my life won't be uncontrollably altered. Parenthood is one thing; marriage in itself is another. Because what do you mean I will be responsible for human beings other than myself? Argh! Do I know even what I’m doing now?
Isn’t that scary to you? And it doesn’t help that my friends take life seriously by getting married. Because was it not yesterday that we went to lectures together? Well, I’m still young sha. But before you know it, I, too, will sit down and say, “I have come to pluck a flower.” Oh Chim!
But before all that, there’s the point of finding your significant other, aka soul mate. Do you know how many times I thought I had my soul mate? *laughs in astonishing delulu*
Yet, I still haven’t met that person. Although I’m not in a hurry, and I know this phase will pass, too. But wtf? Can we just skip all this confusion and move to the part where I’m on holiday with my woman? Sigh.
Oh well…maybe give time time to take its course and channel my energy into building solid friendships.
But I hope that when love comes for us, it stays around this time and forms a home in our hearts.
Till then, I’ll be hating on relationship people. T for tenks. Are we together, my single pringles?
Please invite me to your wedding(I haven’t attended one in years), let me know if I still have feelings.
Till I write to you again.
Love and Magic,
I support your hate please👍And yes, I share the same sentiments with you on marriage and parenthood, it both seems like a whole lot that gets me anxious sometimes but I don't think anyone can ever be prepared enough for all that comes with birthing a human and being responsible for them. I do plan on spending a good time after marriage alone with my husband before a child comes into the picture because once they come, they have come to stay.
Biko ooo, I love love. I'm just a hopeless lover girl, but the concept of marriage still scares me.
Can we do the relationship and skip the marriage part? Or better still, wake up to the part where we're retired, and our children are all grown up, taking us around the world?