Beyond the aesthetics and ambience life exudes, what does success mean to you?
Does it extend the minimality the average person clings to? Is it driven by societal definitions? Are you bent on conquering your childhood fears and the ill-fated situations the universe posed at you while crossing the borders of your country to achieve success?
Or is having enough to constantly and consistently solve the problems of your loved ones enough for you, after all, it's the little things that matters.
Freedom. Fulfillment. Global recognition. Education. Monumental achievements. Basics of life. Happiness. Impact. Value. Wealth.
When it comes to success, which does it for you? Or is it more definitive?
And if the aesthetics are taken away, will you still be able to deem your life successful in the end?
I have been thinking about it. You should do so too…Whatever you believe in is how you will let the trajectory of your life take its course.
Love and Magic,