Wagwannnn, my people! Plixxx, I'm only greeting single Pringles. Relationship people can get their greetings elsewhere.
How are you, my singles? How have you been? How did February 14 go? I know I know, na this year valentine this single life pain me pass. But then, it's all over. Valentine's gone, till next year. If you went for genitals meet, I pray you get pregnant!
Shaa, Let's get into the matter of the day.
Yes, I asked my friends for money and they didn't give me.
Since my favourite influencer, Virtuousi(PKA Osas) shared the surest update some time last month, I thought I should follow suit. Because why not?
So, in case you didn't know, Osas asked her male friends, aka Odogwus, to send her 10k and they all sent it. Asinn, just like that! Some even wanted to fight her for not asking them. Can you imagine?
So, I said let me try my women too. I mean, I have rich aunties, sugar mummies on my contact list. So, it's only valid to bill them. Lol.
And the responses? Take a look.
I actually wasn't having a good time that period but these replies killed me.😂 In my mind, I thought I could pull it off like Osas did. Maybe Osas can tell me how she did it with her men. 'cause it seems I texted the wrong gender. I don't have many male friends like I have with the females, in case you're wondering why I didn't ask them. However, I did get half of the money from my glucose daughter. It started as a joke but she sent it. And since homeboy needed it, who am I to deny the favour of the Lord?
From Osas's case and mine, I realized some things.
The power of good relationships: Osas has a community that would do anything for her. Imagine someone asking why he wasn't part of the men she texted. Osas should just run for president becauseeee…
But, never underestimate the power of good relationships with people. "Your Network is your Net worth," isn't a mere saying. Cultivate good friendship.
Hold on, don't think I don't have a good relationship that's why I didn't get money from them. These same women have sent money without asking, some have been there when I needed help financially. Or was it when hunger wanted to call me to glory? So, if they didn't give me what I requested, I shouldn't be offended. Even if I was in dire need. And I wasn't.
Why? This takes me to the next point.
Not Every Friend Can Help Financially: I would have said "everyone" but I want you to know that even friends may not be there financially. Some friends are good at giving advice; emotionally, they're there. People like me.😌 While some can be spiritually or morally or academically. It doesn't make them a bad person. It doesn't make them less of a friend if they don't come through financially.
I know the ones that can be there financially. But, when they didn't give me money, I wasn't offended. Asides that some knew it was clearly a joke, some actually didn't have such an amount to spare. In this rogbodiyan? Ko easy mehn. Some wished they could but they also have their own problems too. Honestly, anyone sparing such an amount or less, this trying time, really loves you. Hold 'em tight. It's not easy giving freely.
I may not be the guy that will give money to everyone but I have tried the little I can for some people. I still am.
And for some people, I just didn't deserve to be helped financially. That's okay. I wasn't there financially either. The problem will be if I have been giving and there's no reciprocation. In any form. Or in the smallest way.
Olopa ma ko everybody ni o.
Which brings me to my last point.
Remove Entitlement - So you won't be disappointed.
Osas and I are two different beings. She most likely has helped her guys in different ways, so she deserved it. It'll be wrong to compare myself and be feeling entitled to people's money. Yeah, I might have been there for my friends, but that doesn't mean I should be entitled to their money because I have been a good friend.
I understand that friendships last on reciprocation. But guyyyy, remove that sense of entitlement. Just because you didn't get the help at that moment, doesn't make them a terrible friend. You didn't work for them. IMO, it's up to them to decide if they should help out.
Hard pill to swallow innit?
Even as a business owner, your friends don't necessarily have to buy from you. Don't force sales on them in the name of friendship. And if you have someone patronizing you, be content. Because your business isn't for them.
Look, I'm not saying you shouldn't call your friend to order when they're not returning the energy (if they're your good friend, they'll be there in the smallest way). I'm just saying, don't be entitled to their pockets. So you won't be disappointed. Know this and know peace. Same thing goes for them too.
And I'm also not saying you should wait till they have bought you stuff before you show kindness…Be kind to people, the world is already hard.
In essence, no one's perfect and we're still navigating this friendship thingy as adults. But, it'll be good if we know our place in people's lives.
That being said, if you love me, send me money ASAP. Don't let this hunger be the last of me..
Till I come your way again. Don't forget to take a screenshot and tag me(@dammyshittu_) on your socials, any part that resonates with you. Leave a comment too.
Love and Magic,
P.S: Send me money, ejoor. Mi o shako.
DamDam with the magiccc😍
Sorry I couldn't help out tho.
So, this is what you want to use my reply for?! Nice one👍