Been fighting the urge to run away from you guys, but I said no. I will write to you and let the devil be ashamed. And here I am again, your favourite writer(if I am not, then we have scores to settle).
So, Wagwan homeboys and girlies! What's good, what's popping?
The last time I wrote to you, I got some emails sent back to me, and I thought it to be really love that you share part of your lives with me. And the warm comments(I'm still expecting a welcome party tho), make me feel warm, and knowing that you've got my work. I know I said a lot, but I omitted some details. My friend, Centy, mentioned that I didn't tell you guys how I was working behind the scenes as a content guy for two different events that happened in the Funaab environs. But yeah, it was fun working alongside the rest of the team to ensure people have a good time, whether day or night. So yeah, I'm your go-to guy for content, if you need my help.ðŸ¤
But hey, let's get back to the heart of the matter. How have you been since we last spoke? Living the life of your head? Or it's a daily battle against inflation in this ghetto place they call adulthood? I think I speak for all Gen Z's when I say time should be rewinded back to when we were much younger when we spent hours watching Cartoon Network (or STV) while sipping Capri-sun and munching some biscuits.
Damn, adulthood is the ghetto. And talking about it every time doesn't seem to do any good. So we just dig into our work, and double our hustle while trying to live. So I think we're (if I'm allowed to speak for us) getting to the phase of desperately chasing stability, which is good, but seems like we're stuck in that survival mode.
Do you get me?
It's like a battle of living while trying to exist. Only that it's more of a cycle of existing. You want to chase your dreams, you want to live, but you're caught up with the day-to-day hustle and bustle that you don't even know if you have a life. Your life doesn't feel dynamic. No spontaneity, just going with the flow because you have to. And you can't really dictate, because it does feel like you don't have many options left. And gradually, you may lose that spark, that vigour. Damn it, if you're now single again. I feel sorry for single people these days…
But what do you do? I am not sure I have all the answers, because I was much in that place. But I'm learning to look at the little things that matter and give in person(s) that could consciously bring sparks to my life. I'm learning to not just go with the flow, but let me flow through it all.
Because why?… Me run things. Things don't run me.
I'm still learning how to navigate all through, so if you are reading this, and you do understand what I've been saying, please drop a comment, and write back to me. For the Gen Zs and millennials who have figured it out, a few cents of wisdom would be needed more than ever.
Listen to Trying by Andy Mineo, and you'll understand more.
Btw, here's an Afrogospel Spotify playlist I curated that you could always groove to.
You can share with me your current listens too, any genre, I'll listen.
See you in my next letter. Don't forget to write back to me.
Love and magic,
Damdam (GMNSE)
PS: Love is sweettt. Sorry for you, single pringles.
I came to comment on the GMNSE part and saw someone dropped a comment.
Anyway, my comment is let non-engineers breathe!